Hello, I am sophie bonadea

I'm a neuro-spicy, solo mama to my gorgeous little wild flower, Poppy Gaia Rose and our fur baby, Binx the Cat.

I am a multi-passionate entrepreneur; CEO of The Witchy Women’s Institute; a trauma informed coach, meditation teacher and spiritual practitioner, americana singer-songwriter, devotee of pagan magik... and a self confessed BUSY WOMAN ON A MISSION ⚡️ 

I am passionate about creating affordable, accessible, inclusive and luxurious safe spaces for women to show up & shine together through my 1:1 coaching and holistic healing services; my online and in person events and within my online growth, healing, transformation and manifesting online monthly coaching and meditation membership: The Moonphase Journey Sisterhood.

Explore this page to discover how we are making the mystical accessible; hear real life transformation stories from our moon sisters, access our schedule and program, and get a glimpse of the magik that awaits you when you join us, moon sister!


The struggle is real, sister

As a busy woman who was trying to be it all and do it all, it seems like there is more pressure on us than ever to be our best selves, living our best lives, with perfect home's, bodies, children; all whilst bossing it at work like “the man".

This is whilst we also look after babies, our projects, and everyone and everything else, making it look effortless, naturally, whilst baking organic, healthy, home cooked meals of course, and always, always being happy and grateful as we coast through life on love and light…

No wonder we are stressed out, burnt out and absolutely exhausted.

But, there is a different way…

Here in the Moonphase Journey Sisterhood we are redesigning our lives, realigning with our path, reclaiming our magik, light, voices and power, and releasing with grace all that no longer serves us.

We are healing the wounds of the past; remembering and reintegrating the ancient ways; and making it work for us as modern women today.

it's easier than you think

Imagine what life could feel like if you could easily and quickly tune into your needs, and break through old limiting patterns, stories and beliefs.

What if you no longer needed to be burdened by the past and you could build a strong spiritual connection and trust in your self, life and others again.

What if all it took was just 10 minutes a week?

Would you make the time?

This is what I, and the beautiful sisters within my online growth, healing, transformation and manifesting, coaching and meditation membership are doing right now - and we want to invite you to join us right now, Sister, so you can start experiencing the life shifting, life lasting, transformative shifts and safe space you've been craving.

Awaiting you in the Moonphase Journey are what I believe are the three pillars of alignment: Sisterhood • Somatic Practices + Spirituality.

Along with our fixed weekly schedule of nature aligned meditations we have a rich monthly program offering in person and online member events, online moon circles, witchcrafts, guest expert masterclasses, healings, rituals, offers, discounts, plus so much juicy witchiness waiting for you, including free resources, the moonphase journey archives and some beautiful bonuses to support your journey…

All for just £11.11 per month (that's only £2.77 per week, less than a takeaway coffee)

this is your unique journey

Through my own lived experience, combined with over a decade of learning and teaching, I have created a unique, accessible, and powerful framework to support your growth, healing, transformation and manifesting journey.

Integrating ancient wisdom and proven healing modalities to help you strengthen and cultivate your spiritual practice and connection to self, source and others, in an effortless, exciting and impactful way that guarantees instant shifts, suitable for all, no matter what season you are in.

Lean in as much or as little as you need. Join me live or catch up on replays. Join for the meditations or for the witchy magik. Join for the community or join for your Self.

This is your journey: so make it your own and do it your way!

simple and sustainable

3 weekly body-led, nature aligned practices: broadcast live or pre-recorded, same time, same place each week.

Discover which practices you enjoy most and make it work to your needs and schedule, from 10 minutes to 30 minutes per week (or month!)

Join live or catch the replays in our private facebook group.

Access over 100 meditations, practices and rituals in the member archives, with additional optional resources to support your journey.

BONUS Monthly SOS Spiritual Toolkit Practices (2-10 mins), plus a monthly mini 5 day reset challenge; witchcraft, guest expert masterclass or healing.

Lean in as much or as little as you need - this is your journey so make it work for you! Now, what are you waiting for?

moonphase journey stories from our sisters

from the first month...

...to four years going strong

any questions?